Frequently Asked Questions
Below are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions
The new aeromedical regulations from EASA state that whoever is going to take aclass 1 initial examination (to become a professional pilot) must undergo a flight psychological assessment and carry out drug tests. This means that the initial examination from the above date will be more costly and take longer. You can read more about the new aviation medical regulations at The Swedish Transport Agency's website. We suggest you to book an examination well in advance before you need your medical certificate!
Reference EU 1187/2011 MED.B.070
Laser surgery of the cornea poses obstacles. However, the applicant can be approved after passing an approved glare test and a special assessment by the Swedish Transport Agency. See also The Swedish Transport Agency's website
Reference AMC1 MED.B.070 (i)
It depends on the extent of the colorblindness. If you don't pass the first color test (Ishihara's test), you can go ahead and do one or more extended tests to make an assessment if you are color safe.
Reference AMC1 MED.B.075
If you are a pilot, you may fly up to and including week 26 of pregnancy with the OML (multi-pilot limitation) restriction after approval by the flight doctor. You must therefore contact your flight doctor if you are pregnant. If you are cabin crew, you may fly up to pregnancy week 15. If you are an air traffic controller, you may work operationally until pregnancy week 34. If you have complications from your pregnancy, you may need to consult your aviation doctor.
An initial aeromedical examination for medical class 1 aims to clarify whether you meet the medical requirements set by EASA regulations and, if so, to issue a medical certificate. The initial examination includes a specialist examination by an aviation ophthalmologist and an aviation otolaryngologist and an aviation medical examination by an aviation doctor. Since 30 January 2019, an assessment by an aviation psychologist is also included. Finally, an aeromedical assessment by flight medics. The flight medical assessment is based on the medical documentation that you bring to us as well as the medical facts that emerge at the time of the examination. Please note that the initial aeromedical examination will only grant a class 1 medical certificate if you pass the examination.
Det beror på vad det gäller. Om det rör sig om en allvarligare åkomma eller olycka kan det fordras även om det är långt tillbaka i tiden. Om du inte har med det medicinska underlag som krävs kan flygläkaren inte godkänna dig och det kan dessutom medföra extrakostnader för dig om du måste komplettera i efterhand.
No, if you are diagnosed with ADHD or have been diagnosed as a child, you cannot become a pilot.
It depends on the degree of allergy and the type of symptoms you get when you are exposed. In general, it can be said that if you get symptoms that prevent you from completing your duties as a pilot, it is likely that you cannot be approved.
In order for you to be able to combine the profession of pilot with the diagnosis of dyslexia, it is required that you can read and assimilate the information found on checklists, weather reports, instrument screens, charts etc. during flight on your own and without relying on anyone else. Word recognition aids are not permitted in pilot training. Provided that a prospective pilot has successfully completed the written work of training, he or she has demonstrated a level of literacy sufficient to safely operate an aircraft. If an applicant for a pilot license cannot complete training without assistance with reading and writing, there are no reasonable adjustments with current technology that can be made to enable him or her to fly solo or pursue a career in the piloting profession.
It depends on which diagnosis has caused you to receive treatment. The prerequisite for you to be able to receive a medical certificate is that you are healthy today, i.e. have no diagnosis and that you have no ongoing or recently completed treatment. You may need to do an in-depth investigation with regard to the previous illness, but this will be decided in connection with the visit.
The Swedish Transport Agency has issued instructions for certificate holders of all classes regarding the review of the COVID infection / positive COVID test, you can see instructions on their website here.
Air Trafic Controller (ATC)
The questions below apply to air traffic controller certificates (class 3)
Yes, up to and including pregnancy week 34, i.e. 34+6. After that, you are unfit for operational duty.
We work in the Swedish Transport Agency's certificate system EMPIC and can prepare your visit by entering the information from the health declaration that you submit. This way we can save about 15 minutes administrative time during your visit.
From On 01/01/2022, FMC has a new agreement with LFV regarding renewal surveys. LFV has chosen not to use the reception at Sturup in this procurement.The decision was not made by FMC. But you are mostly welcomed to FMC clinic at Stormgatan 14 in central Malmö.
Generally speaking, you should not work operatively when you have a new medicine inserted until you have received approval from your flight doctor. From the deposit until the serviceability assessment can be made, some time should have passed to ensure that the medicine has the intended effect and that no side effects have occurred. The flight safety assessment for drug treatment includes both the reason for the treatment (diagnosis), the treatment itself and its possible side effects and other effects in the body.
Superficial procedures under local anesthesia generally do not impose any limitations on your operative ability. However, it can happen if there is a complication to the procedure. You should then contact your flight doctor.
Aviation psychology
The questions below apply to the aviation psychological aptitude test performed by FMC(Flygmedicinskt Centrum) unless otherwise stated.
The aviation psychological aptitude test 's purpose is to ensure that you are able to complete a flight training and is a requirement to be able to apply to the flight schools run on behalf of the YH authority. The test examines your cognitive abilities (eg simultaneous capacity, fatigue, memory).
The validity period is five years, counted from 31 December of the year the test was carried out.
When you come to us for an aviation psychology aptitude test, the aviation psychologist will take a copy of your ID card and will do a short interview with you. You will then be introduced to how the computer-based test works. It consists of 21 subtests that test in different ways characteristics that are important for the pilot profession. The test takes about 4-5 hours. After completing the test, the flight psychologist will review your results. If you are approved, you will receive a certificate.
The test examiner will go over the results with you and if you have not been approved, you will find out when it is suitable for you to retake the test at the earliest.
The initial aeromedical examination gives you a class 1 medical certificate if you pass. This is a certificate document that clears you to fly as a commercial pilot throughout the EU. You therefore have the opportunity to take flight training in all EU member states. The adapted aviation psychology aptitude test gives you the right to apply for selected pilot training courses of the Norwegian University of Applied Sciences Authority (currently TFHS Ljungbyhed and OSM Aviation Västerås).
Other questions
FMC is a private health clinic and does not have an agreement with the general healthcare system. The type of health care that FMC conducts regarding assessment of serviceability is not paid for by the county council tax, but by the individual or his employer. This means that FMC has no right of referral to the general national healthcare. However, FMC can help you design a so-called self-referral that the individual can submit to their healthcare facility for further investigation. The self-referral must be prioritized by the health care in the same way as referrals from doctors in the health care. Please note that FMC may need to charge fees for all ancillary services.
Contact us
040 - 208125
Phone hours:
Mon-Fri 7:00 - 18:00
We will answer
within 1-2 working day(s)
Malmö C
Stormgatan 14,
21120 Malmö